413-530-8281    506-501-1896    506-501-1342

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below please contact us.

How can I contact you?

The best way to contact us is by phone (413) 530 8281. Please leave a message if no answer.

What are the check-in and departure times?

Check in and departure times are based on the rental of the unit, and the customers needs.

What do I need to bring on my holiday?

We supply full bedding, wood to burn and wifi. You will be responsibe for bringing water, sleeping bag if desired, propane for bbq, food and beverage, personal items, (soap, shampoo, etc), weapon if hunting, and any other items you will need to enjoy your activities and experience

Can I bring my pet?

Yes. You may bring a pet for a private booking

How do I book more than one unit of accommodation?

To book more than one unit, simply contact us at (413) 530-8281.

Can I rent a cot and or highchair?

We do not have any highchairs or cots, but you are welcome to bring your own

Northern Lights Lodge & Rental Camps
3826 Route 385 Nictau, New Brunswick E7G 3B4 CA
Phone: (413) 530-8281 Website: http://www.nictaucamps.com